Advisory for Foreigners Travelling to India


Satellite telephone services are not permitted in India. Under Section 6 of Indian Wireless Act and Section 20 of Indian Telegraph Act. Any foreign national visiting India and found to be making unauthorized use of satellite telephone services as e.g. Thuraya and Irridium will be prosecuted and all the sets found in his/her possession will be seized.

Foreigners may visit restricted/protected areas only after obtaining a valid permit. Your visa alone does not allow travel to these areas. For detailed information, please visit Bureau of Immigration Website,

Foreigners coming from or through Yellow Fever countries must hold a valid Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate. Please visit website, for more detailed information. 

The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act bans all forms of wildlife trade. Violations of the provisions of the Act are punishable with heavy fines and imprisonment. Foreigners are, therefore, advised not to buy any wildlife or wildlife products or derivatives especially ivory, fur, skin and articles made out of wild animals. 

Please note that buying, selling, using or being in possession of psychotropic drugs or any other narcotic substance while in India is a cognizable offence punishable by imprisonment.

Foreigners whose visa exceeds 90 days are advised to carefully read the endorsements on their visas especially with regard to the requirement of registration with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO).

Indian e-visa seekers may kindly note that the following websites claiming to provide e-Tourist Visa services to visa applicants desiring to travel to India are fake and do not belong to Government of India:


The correct website belonging to Government of India is:

Indian e-visa seekers are advised to use this website.

For information regarding baggage, customs declaration and currency etc, please go to web-link

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