Passport Information


The passport can be applied for reissue from one year or any time before its expiry in case of any change in the entries in the existing passport including change in appearance or lack of blank pages on your passport.

Online application is mandatory for all applicants. 

The web-link for online application is
Select: Vietnam-Ho Chi Minh City for applying at Ho Chi Minh City
Please take a print-out of the online registered application form, sign it and submit the hard copy of the application form at the Consulate along with supporting documents and two recent coloured photographs (not in white clothes) in white background of size 5cm x 5cm.

For submission of application at the consulate, please obtain online appointment through web-link which is also available on the home Page of Consulate’s website. Before submission, applicant should ensure that the application is signed in original by the applicant. Those who cannot sign such as infants, minors or illiterate should use thumb impression in place of signature.

Photograph: Please note that photo requirements are strictly met by the applicants. We require two passport-size (5cmx5cm) photographs that meet basic specifications such as the face of the applicant should cover about 60-70 percent of the photo area; both ears, neck, and shoulders should be clearly visible; the head must be centered within the frame and the photo should present full face, front view and eyes open; the background should be plain white without borders with contrast coloured clothes (not white clothes) and photos with dark, busy, or patterned background or shadows on the face or on the background will not be accepted.

For fee and supporting documents, please check Passport and Misc. Services given under the head, “Passport and Misc. Services”.

Payment is accepted in cash in VND only.  No Credit/debit card or cheque is accepted.  Please ensure that you bring change and correct amount of applicable fee in VND. Please ensure that you have collected your payment receipt from the Consulate.

Applications are accepted on all working days (except on weekends and closed holidays) from 1000 to 1230 hrs with prior appointment. Processing of the application will start from the date of submissionof physical application at the counter and not from the date of its entry online.

Police verification :
It may please be noted that as per the latest instructions of Government of India, pre-police verification is mandatory before reissue of passport in respect of all passport applicants. Exemption to pre-police verification may be considered in following cases subject to the condition that the applicant’s previous police record is clear in the online system :

a)   Applicants who have been resident abroad continuously for over 5 years and hold a permanent resident card/temporary resident card/ work permit/ dependent visa.

b)   Application in respect of minor for a 5-year valid passport where the minor is born abroad and never resided in India during the preceding five years when application for re-issue is submitted by both parents along with Annexure D.


Applicants who are covered under a), b) and c) may submit sufficient supporting documents such as copy of permanent resident card/temporary resident card/work permit/permanent visa for the last five years etc. along with passport application. A copy of application for exemption from pre-police verification is available for download at :
In case of all other applicants, passports will be issued only after police verification.

Collection of passport :Applicant is informed by the Consulate on phone or e-mail or both once passport is ready for collection. Collection is between 1530-1630hrs. At the time of collection, applicant is required to bring old passport and the receipt of payment given at the time of application.

Those Indian citizens who are acquiring citizenship/passport of another country should immediately surrender their Indian passport to the Indian Embassy/Consulate by signing the citizenship renunciation form.

It is an offence under the Passport Act 1967 to furnish false information in the application. Passport facilities could be denied on grounds of suppression of material information, submission of incorrect particulars, willful damage/loss of passport or unauthorized change/tampering in Passport. The Passport can be impounded or revoked for violation of one or more of the provisions of the Passport Act. Also, it is an offence to hold more than one valid passport at a time.

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